XOE Rosalez Explodes in big win

Xoe Rosalez is one of those Under The Radar players that just grabbed my attention the first time I saw her and the numerous articles I’ve written tie into her dropping 30 for her Seminole HS squad against Monterey featuring one of the top freshmen in the country, Aaliyah Chavez. I always say the biggest win is playing at the next level and Rosalez will be moving to Angelo State and this is what she said about her decision

“So excited & blessed I made one of the absolute biggest choices in my life. I chose ASU for two main reasons, one being—the coaches believed in me since day one and they also have the same hunger and sacrifice it takes to win a national championship. My second reason would be how the program is run, it is very much like my high school now. Also,  it’s run-and-go plays, and everything lines up pretty well to what I do now. So being in comparison with my current high school now & going into the future with ASU, I will absolutely be ready & up for this amazing challenge.”

I know she will definitely be ready!