Oklahoma Hoktuce Mambas-Battle On The Plainz II

The Lady Mambas brought some heat from a variety of positions to the event and I loved their desire as well as going hard from start to finish and here ya go
Tylyn Thurman-5’4 (Shawnee) played solid defense and played within herself as she did a nice job handling the ball and seeing the floor
Alina Rangel-5’4 (Sasakwa) falls into that #sizedontmatter category I hashtag because she can play and she showed she could score both off the dribble and from the outside. Her stop-and-pop jumper in transition was nice, and so was her “catch-and-shoot” from long range
Sierra Streater (Earlsboro) attacked the basket nicely using either hand and finishing after contact with nice body control. She too gets the #sizedontmatter hashtag but her court vision as well as midrange jumper was nice, she even rebounded against taller players using good positioning
Chelse Deere (Earlsboro) attacked off the dribble using a deceptive first step yet she too showed nice body control. She showed the midrange but she also brought pressure defensively “on the ball”. She also had good timing for steals as well as blocks
Emileigh Palmer-5’6 (Sasakwa) handled the ball with ease under pressure and saw the floor both in the set and in transition. Her change of pace in the open court was nice but her attacking and finishing were impressive, yeah body control played a part as well. Solid defender and she played the passing lane
Mylisha Allen-5’3 ( Holdenville) is an athletic guard that understood how to get hers in the flow. She showed the midrange, as well as attacked the basket strongly yet she also played solid defense

McKayla Harjo-5’1 (Sasakwa) was among the best passers at the event and her “no looks” in traffic JUST DID IT for me. She’s also handled the ball coast to coast after rebounding, showed the mid to long-range as well as the “catch and shoot” but her passes in transition were equally impressive, yeah #sizedontamatter
Kizzie Bronco-5’4 (Wetcoma) played good on the ball defense and understood how to trap and when to switch. She also handled the ball well and saw the floor, nice upside
Daley Rice-5’8 (Shawnee) is a “long and athletic” guard that scored both off the dribble, yeah body control was nice, yet she also dropped the jumper from the midrange. She also played good defense and each game I caught her, she played the passing lane well
Dahmyah Olden (Holdenville) is another athletic guard yet her rebounding and not only handling the ball in the open court but seeing the floor and hitting teammates was nice. She also threw the outlet pass to get the break going and scored off the dribble and her court vision in half-court was also nice