Kay’Len Alexander Storming Into Texas

Alexander grabbed my attention the first time I saw her playing with Lake City Pride out of Louisiana. I can’t tell you how many talented players I have seen come out of that program over the years yet I knew she was special off the top. She was ranked #2 in Louisiana before transferring to Summer Creek and I knew I had to add her to my PGH Texas rankings yet I didn’t know exactly where since it had been a minute
Through the magic of video, I slotted her initially at #20 yet after her Sandra Meadows Classic performance, I see her cracking the Top 10 before it’s all said and done. She’s “long and athletic” and as her ranking will go, she has UPS, so seeing her come from out of nowhere to block shots is part of the reason, yet there are several other intangibles that will have an abundance of next-level, including D1, all over her and here’s why see evaluations here