Elevation Elite keep rising
I’ve been asked several times over the years to do something on the boy’s side however you have a number of capable people doing a great job. The girl’s side has and always will be different for a variety of reasons but it gives me so much pleasure to find those kids who are under the radar that can play at the next level. I covered a variety of events this past year and talent was everywhere and my first glimpse of HG Elevation Elite earlier solidified what I always say, talent is everywhere.
Crystal Allen wasn’t on hand but the team had numerous players that stood out and what II really liked about the team that showed up at the BigTyme Fall Finish was the heat they brought on the defensive end, especially from the backcourt. Karrington Brown (2015) and Madison Edwards (2014) helped get the smoke going while the very athletic Traylyn Woodard (2014) and Lakendra Bassett (2015) turned the flame way up while 6’0 Desiree McGinnis showed she could finish under pressure