Lone Star Fall Exhibition

I had a chance to travel down to College Station, one of the countless rides I’ve taken this century, and the memories from my daughter playing for Texas A&M back in the day were going through my head
Also going through my head was remembering Coach Maggie and her daughter Alexys with TWELVE, Lex, by the way, was also a ball girl for Texas A&M during the time my baby was there
Fast forward to now, I love progression and I love TRUE development, not some of this nonsense I see posted around on social media yet I had a chance to catch plenty of players with the potential to play at the next level, as well as many on the verge of breaking out
2024 Brooke Jacobusleft me speechless at times and one more time, Texas is a big state and talent is EVERYWHERE, so my first look at her was definitely a good one, so with all of that being said, I will have evaluations dropping this week on Prep Girls Hoops Texas so enjoy