2031 Watch-Catching Up With Makayla Craig

Makayla Craig is one of those young players who left a lasting first impression the first time I caught her over a year ago. Her poise under pressure playing against older players was part of it, and so was her doing things instinctively as well as how she reacted in certain situations, all of that is part of the special formula I have been using since I started evaluating. Well, I guess her dropping the long ball had something to do with it as she was already creating her shot.
Fast forward to now, she’s had a growth spurt, both on and off the court, and watching her attack the basket stronger and show nice body control on her finishes was nice, as well as her playing the passing lane yet a couple of other big pluses also stood out as she’s doing a good job of not only creating her shot, she’s creating spacing to let it go. Speaking of letting it go her “catch and shoot” is looking like it’s going to be causing some problems for quite a while