2027 MuRae Horn Returns Strongly


I hadn’t seen MuRae Horn since before her freshman season at LD Bell because she tore her ACL after a couple of games and I lost track of her. Well, I revisited some of her highlight videos and some clips, and she’s more than ready for the return. I immediately caught her knowledge of the game and being “heady” is always a plus because when you understand the little thing that turns out to be big in the long run, you’re ahead of the game


Her half-court defense is solid, she reads the court, plays the passing let, and hits the boards, but her handling the ball and seeing the floor in the open court is very nice. She also does a good job of creating her shot, as well as creating spacing to drop it, while being defended. Her “catch and shoot” looks good, as does her deceptive first step to attack and finishes strongly after contact

Back to her rebounding, coupled with comprehension, she understands positioning which enables her to “outrebound” taller players. The comeback is on it’s way and I’ll be keeping you updated